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Silsila Hussaini Qadri Sarwari. It's a spiritual lineage of Qadri Sarwari. With the blessings and holiness of Peer O Murshid Khalifa E Shah Saani Hazrath Sultan Chanwar Ali Sha Hussaini Qadri Sarwari, the silsila has been serving the humanity from past 50+ years.

Thousands of people have become the disciples (Mureed).

The silsila intend to provide tarbiyah and tassawuf teachings to all, so one can understands the purpose of life and make the akhirath best and obtain enlightment (Deedar E Ilahi).

What are the five pillars of Islam?

The most important Islamic practices are the Five Pillars of Islam. The five pillars of Islam are Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.


The declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and His messenger (peace be upon him).


The ritual prayer required of every Muslim five times a day throughout their lifetime.


The act of giving a portion of a Muslim’s wealth to those in need throughout their lifetime.


The act of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.


The sacred pilgrimage to Mecca required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime if it is within their means.


Peer O Murshid Khalifa E Shah Saani Hazrath Sultan Chanwar Alisha Hussaini Qadri Sarwari

Khankha E Chanwariya

Khanqah in purification of Inwards of Seekers common people are away from Allah and deprived of His vision.

Khanqah in purification of Inwards of Seekers

common people are away from Allah and deprived of His vision. They love the world and worldly pleasures which is a trap. Further, it is a veil between them and Allah. At khanqah, the perfect Fakir removes this veil by erasing the love of world from the inwards of people. Likewise, their dark inwards turn into pellucid mirrors in which they can have vision of Allah. They become close to Almighty. As a matter of fact, the seekers of Allah find nourishment and strength for their souls from the sacred company of the perfect Fakir.


طالب کے باطن کی تطہیر میں خانقاہ کا کردار
اس کے برعکس عام لوگ اللہ سے دور اور اس کی بصارت سے محروم ہیں۔ وہ دنیا اور دنیاوی لذتوں سے محبت کرتے ہیں جو ایک جال ہے۔ مزید یہ کہ یہ ان کے اور اللہ کے درمیان ایک پردہ ہے۔ خانقاہ میں کامل فقیر لوگوں کے باطن سے دنیا کی محبت مٹا کر اس پردے کو ہٹا دیتا ہے۔ اسی طرح ان کا سیاہ باطن بھی اندھیرے کے آئینے میں بدل جاتا ہے جس میں وہ اللہ کو دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ وہ اللہ تعالیٰ کے قریب ہو جاتے ہیں۔ حقیقت کے طور پر، متلاشیوں

19 Khankha’s All Over South India

Every Month Khankha Is Held

Kolar Shariff Event

Hazrath Peer Sultan Chanwar AliSha Hussaini Qadri Sarwari Sondal O URS & Qadar Ki Degh Ki Fatiha

Online Fathiha

Taleem-o-Tarbiyat is built with a mission to make mureed be connected with Murshid and follow his guidance to purify the inner..

Taleem-o-Tarbiyat” is built with a mission to make mureed be connected with Murshid and follow his guidance to purify the inner world. It allows to prepare mureed to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a rapidly changing society. Khankha is a place of spiritual teaching through discourses on spirituality by a murshid

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